Google Earth – Not enough data in memory

Since December 2020 audi has stopped providing Google Earth feature in cars manufactured before 2020.. read more here.

There’s another way to enable google maps, and many other sat nav applications directly on MMI screen, you might be interested with Apple CarPlay / Android Auto module.

Some people which are using Google Earth in their MMIs units sometimes might see that screen

MMI 3G Plus - Google earth - Not enough data
MMI 3G Plus – Google earth – Not enough data
Google earth - loading
Google earth – loading

How to fix this?

First of all you will need access to the Hidden green menu, we have described here how to do (click).

When you are in Hidden Green Menu

Hidden Green Menu

Scroll down to googleearth

Hidden Green Menu - googleearth
Hidden Green Menu – Googleearth

and enter there

Hidden Green Menu - googleearth
Hidden Green Menu – googleearth

in list select and enter to Delete Cache GEMMI

Hidden Green Menu - googleearth - Delete Cache GEMMI.
Hidden Green Menu – googleearth – Delete Cache GEMMI.

after that you can reboot your mmi by using three buttons method

MMI reboot buttons

When it load up again

Google earth
Google earth
Google earth layer on local maps – MMI 3G Plus

I hope it will help you to solve this problem!

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Audi maniac, owner of and big fan of Audi cars. Maps, firmware, car audio installer
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4 years ago

Hi, just joined your site
I have a Audi A8. 2013 year
I have this problem. I have done as per your instructions and delete cashe and restart the MMI but problem is still there. Can you advise if there is something else I could do to get Google earth overlay to work
Kind regards

4 years ago

Udany Upgrade AUDI A8L (HN+R_EU_AU_K0900). Aktualizacja wykonana została wg. opisu na stronie.
Wszystko poszło sprawnie. Mapa działa prawidłowo.