MMI 3G Conversion from Saudi Arabia (Middle East) to Europe

We are receiving quite a lot enquires how to make a full conversion from Saudi Arabia and Middle East mmi 3g to EU.

First please check if you have EU firmware there -> Click here

If you will see exactly:

  • Bnav_EU_xxx
  • Hnav_EU_xxx
  • HN+_EU_xxx
  • HN+R_EU_xxx

that mean you have European firmware in your car, so easy work

You will need to install latest EU firmware. Installation procedure we describe HERE, there’s nothing else to do. If you have bose system, you will need unselect it for update (described in tutorial).

Bundle updates packs:

After successfully firmware upgrade, you will need to enable Hidden green menu (how to do it, described here).

In Green menu, you have to go to the: SWDL, and enable:

  • User defined mode.
  • Ignore region and variant.
Hidden green menu > SWDL section

After that we need to change the region. So in Hidden Green Menu go to the: System > Internal

MMI 3G Region change
Hidden Green Menu > MMI 3G Region change

and select there EU

Then go to the: Nav -> databaseupdate And Change your “Active HDD Nav DB” to the region/country of your choice in our case: EU.

MMI 3G Region change
Hidden Green Menu > MMI 3G Region change

List of regions:

  1. Unknown
  2. Default
  3. EU
  4. North America
  5. South America
  6. AGCC
  7. Korea
  8. Japan
  9. China
  10. Asia Pacific
  11. South Africa
  12. Australia (New Zealand)
  13. India
  14. Taiwan (ROC)
  15. AGCC_2 (arabic)
  16. Turkey
  17. Chile
  18. no navi db

After that, you can perform with maps update using our tutorial, click here to get there.

Please remember to remove old nav database and nav partition (everything is described in tutorials).

There will be one more thing to do, change radio frequencies to work with EU. To do this you can use OBDeleven, just find and click option to modify radio frequencies.

I hope this tutorial will help you with Middle East conversion. IF any questions just ask in comment 🙂

Please note that in some case might need EEPROM change, however it’s quite difficult and do not recommend for non tech people.

+1+2+3+4+5 (8 votes, average: 4.50 out of 5)


Audi maniac, owner of and big fan of Audi cars. Maps, firmware, car audio installer
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