What SDCARD size should I use?

Not every SD CARD can be used to do firmware/maps installation or for scripts.

We have tested many SD CARD’s and we can recommend 8/16/32/64 GB:

  • Kingstone canvas.
  • Samsung EVO.
  • Adata.

Firmware update do not need big SD CARD, but because of MMI limitation we recommend to use at least 8GB

Maps update (depends on area) needs 32GB (USA/Canada/Mexico) or 64GB (Europe).

Maps activations, scripts (ie: green menu activation, error removals etc) needs at least 8GB SD CARD.

to use 64GB SD CARD in MMI 3G you will need third party application to format as FAT32. (more about here – click).

You can also install firmware / maps update by using USB (if your car is equipped with AMI and you have AMI->USB cable) – just remember that you can’t install any scripts, activate maps through USB – this part must be done via SDCARDs.

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Audi maniac, owner of upgrademyaudi.net and big fan of Audi cars. Maps, firmware, car audio installer
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